
Cayde-6 quotes

If you can’t have fun, why be a Guardian?

I never said I was a good role model. In fact, I’m pretty sure I said the opposite.

Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never make it out alive anyway.

I’ve got two guns and a lot of bad ideas. Wanna see which one gets us in trouble first?

Being a Guardian is all about shooting first and asking questions never.

I’m not just a Hunter. I’m the Hunter with the golden gun.

Some people say I have a death wish. I prefer to call it a life wish.

The only thing better than shooting aliens is shooting aliens while cracking jokes.

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

Remember, shooting is just as much about style as it is about hitting your target.

Life is short. Make it shorter for your enemies.

Why fight with a sword when you can fight with a gun? Swords are for show, guns are for getting the job done.

I don’t follow the rules. I make my own rules, and then I break them.

They say I’m reckless. I say I’m just more fun to watch.

What’s the point of being immortal if you can’t have a little fun along the way?

Sometimes you’ve gotta dance like nobody’s watching. Or shoot like nobody’s shooting back.

Every time I pull the trigger, I’m making a statement. And that statement is: I don’t mess around.

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-placed bullet and a sarcastic remark.

Cayde-6 quotes part 2

Sure, being a Guardian is dangerous. But who wants to live forever if they’re not having any fun?

My plan usually involves shooting first and asking questions if there’s time.

I don’t always shoot people in the face, but when I do, I make sure to leave a lasting impression.

I’ve been to the edge of the universe and back, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride.

I may not have all the answers, but I’ve got enough bullets to make up for it.

Some people say I’m crazy. I say I’m just crazy good at what I do.

I’m not afraid of death. Death is afraid of me.

If you can dodge a bullet, you’re not fighting hard enough.

Don’t just shoot for the head. Shoot for the stars.

I’m not a hero. I’m just a guy with a gun and a lot of enemies.

They say it’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey. Well, let me tell you, the journey is a whole lot more fun when you’re shooting things along the way.

Don’t let anyone tell you that video games don’t teach you anything. I’ve learned everything I know from shooting aliens in the face.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. Well, I like my revenge like I like my coffee: hot and full of bullets.

I could tell you a joke, but chances are it’ll be a real knee slapper. And by that, I mean I’ll shoot you in the knee.

I’ve always wanted to be an actor. Turns out, shooting aliens is a lot more fun than memorizing lines.

You can’t spell ‘Guardian’ without ‘gun’. And you can’t spell ‘Cayde’ without ‘fun’. Coincidence? I think not.

Some people say I have a death wish. I say I have a wish for death to visit all my enemies.

I don’t need a fancy ship or a big gun to get the job done. All I need is a funny hat and a bad attitude.

If life gives you lemons, make lemon grenades and throw them at your enemies.

Life is too short to take seriously. That’s why I never take it seriously.

If they don’t like my jokes, they can go jump off a cliff. Preferably while I’m shooting at them.

I don’t need luck. Luck is for people who can’t aim.

They say laughter is the best medicine. Well, let me tell you, shooting aliens is a close second.

I never back down from a fight. I just shoot anything that moves and hope for the best.

Sometimes the best way to win a battle is to shoot first and ask questions later. Or never ask questions at all.

I’m not saying violence solves everything. I’m just saying it solves a whole lot of things.

They say silence is golden. Well, I prefer the sound of gunshots and explosions.

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