
Deleuze quotes

What is important is not the fact that we can think, but the way in which we think.

To think is to confine yourself to a single thought that one day stands still like a star in the world’s sky.

We don’t know how a body works, except insofar as it’s a social body, a body in love or a body at work

To philosophize is to create concepts.

The only way to deal with stereotypes is to stimulate the underground, creative forces at work in the collective unconscious.

Thought inserts a slit into the flow of life, assigning portions to different sectors

We have to create concepts that can be tested, related to specific domains of applications

Theoretical innovation is about constructing productive connections between existing concepts in new ways

Power is everywhere and comes from everywhere; there is no escaping it or hiding from it.

Thought is not an internal question of subjectivity; it is the production of subjectivity itself.

Reject the false dichotomy between mind and body; they are two sides of the same coin

To think is to experiment, to undertake researches and break the habits of thought.

Thought is not tied to logic; it is tied to the process of differentiation and becoming.

The philosopher’s task is to make concepts vibrate and resonate with the problems of the present.

The body is the site where power and resistance collide and interact.

Knowledge is not something we possess; it is something we create through the process of thinking.

Deleuze quotes part 2

Don’t think about what you want to produce; think about what you want to become.

Thought is not an individual endeavor; it is a collective process that occurs between bodies.

The only way to escape the grasp of power is to create new territories of desire and new modes of existence.

To think is to create lines of flight, to escape the territories of oppression and domination.

The body is not an object to be subjected to power; it is a site of resistance and transformation.

Thinking is not about reaching a conclusion; it is about opening up new possibilities.

The goal of philosophy is not to represent the world; it is to transform the world.

Thought is nothing but the power of the brain to segment the world according to its own interests.

To think is not to reflect, but to go through an experiment, to make a thought enter into contact with signs and actions.

The task of philosophy is not to provide answers, but to ask the right questions.

Thought is not a mirror that reflects reality; it is a force that shapes reality.

To think is to become-vulnerable to the world, to put your body in danger, to risk being transformed.

To think is not to have ideas, but to create concepts that are in tune with the world.

Thought is not a fixed structure; it is a process of becoming, of inventing new possibilities.

To think is not to dominate; it is to create new modes of existence, to affirm life.

Knowledge is not something that can be transmitted from one mind to another; it is something that has to be produced.

To think is not to search for truth; it is to create new ways of seeing and understanding the world.

The body is not an object, but a process, a becoming, an infinite potentiality.

Thought is not a transcendent activity; it is immanent in the world, it is the world itself.

Thinking is not about reaching a goal; it is about opening up new possibilities for action.

To think is not to represent the world; it is to create new worlds.

Thought is not an attribute of a subject; it is a force that moves through bodies and shapes their actions.

To think is not to have knowledge; it is to create knowledge.

Truth is not something that can be discovered; it is something that has to be invented.

To think is not to know; it is to explore, to experiment, to create.

Thought is not a property of the brain; it is a process that occurs in and between bodies.

The body is not a stable entity; it is a site of transformation and becoming.

To think is not to stay in one place; it is to move, to explore, to create connections.

Thought is not a solitary activity; it is a collective process that occurs between bodies and is shaped by social forces.

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