Today, I’m just not in the mood for anything.
My mood is on vacation, don’t disturb.
Feeling like a cloud of gloom today.
The world is just too bright and I’m not feeling it.
Not in the mood to explain myself today.
Sorry, I can’t even fake a smile today.
Today, my mood is best described as ‘meh’.
Not in the mood for small talk.
If it requires optimism, count me out.
Emotionally, I’m on strike today.
I’m not in the mood to sugarcoat things right now.
My mood is currently in hibernation mode.
Not feeling like myself today, or anyone else for that matter.
Today, my mood is stuck in a never-ending raincloud.
I’ll be over here in my own little bubble of apathy.
My emotions seem to be taking the day off without me.
If you’re looking for enthusiasm, check back tomorrow.
Not in the mood for any kind of drama today.
Feeling more like a grumpy cat than a social butterfly.
Today, I’m just not in the mood for any nonsense.
Sorry, my emotions are out of commission today.
Not in the mood to fake it until I make it.
My mood is currently set to zombie mode.
Feeling the need to be a hermit today.
Today’s forecast: cloudy with a chance of no emotions.
Not in the mood to please anyone but myself.
My mood is currently on strike, demanding better conditions.
Quotes for When You’re Not in the Mood part 2
Feeling like a deflated balloon today.
If you’re looking for enthusiasm, you’ve come to the wrong place.
I’m currently experiencing a severe lack of motivation today.
Sorry, but my mood is currently on the fritz.
Not in the mood for any kind of social interaction.
Feeling like a grumpy bear in hibernation today.
If emotions were music, I’m playing the saddest song on repeat.
Today, my mood is like a broken compass.
Not in the mood to put on a happy face.
Feeling more like a cloud of darkness than a ray of sunshine today.
Sorry, but my emotional battery is currently drained.
Not in the mood for any kind of excitement or adventure.
My emotions are on strike, demanding better working conditions.
Feeling like a wilted flower today.
Today, I’m just not in the mood to be social.
Sorry, but my emotional scale is currently stuck at zero.
Not in the mood to chase rainbows today.
Feeling more like a statue than a living, breathing human being.
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