
Tim Keller Quotes

Humility is the only soil where true faith grows.

Idolatry is not just a failure to obey God, it is a setting of the whole heart on something besides God.

God’s love is not the kind that loves us because we are lovely, but instead the kind that makes us lovely because it loves us.

The Christian life is not about trying hard to do what is right, but about being transformed by the grace of God.

Discipleship is not a program or a course, it is a lifelong journey of learning to follow Jesus.

God never gives us more than we can handle, but sometimes He gives us more than we can handle on our own.

Faith is not about blindly believing in something, but about trusting in God’s character and promises.

The gospel is not just a message of personal salvation, but a message of cosmic renewal.

God does not promise to always take away our pain, but He does promise to be with us in the midst of it.

God’s grace is not a license to sin, but a power to live a holy and transformed life.

The gospel is not just about going to heaven when we die, but about experiencing God’s kingdom here on earth.

The gospel is not a self-improvement program, but a radical call to die to self and live for Christ.

God’s forgiveness is not based on our performance, but on the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

The deepest desires of our hearts can only be satisfied in God, not in the things of this world.

Tim Keller Quotes part 2

God’s love for us is not based on our worthiness, but on His infinite grace and mercy.

Worry is not a sign of caring, but a lack of trust in God’s providence and sovereignty.

God’s will is not always clear or easy to discern, but He promises to guide us when we seek Him.

The world’s definition of success is not the same as God’s definition of success.

True joy and contentment can only be found in God, not in the pursuit of wealth or status.

God’s love for us is not based on our ability to love Him back, but on His unchanging character.

The fear of man is a snare, but the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

God’s love for us is not an academic concept, but a transforming and personal reality.

The gospel is not just about getting into heaven, but about living as citizens of God’s kingdom on earth.

Salvation is not just about the forgiveness of sins, but about being reconciled to God and experiencing His love and presence.

God’s love is not conditional, but unconditional and undeserved.

The gospel is not just a message of personal redemption, but a call to social justice and compassion.

The hope of the gospel is not just for the future, but for the present.

God’s sovereignty does not negate our responsibility, but empowers us to fulfill our calling.

The gospel does not promise a life free from suffering, but a life filled with hope and purpose in the midst of suffering.

Our worth is not based on our accomplishments or the opinions of others, but on God’s love and acceptance of us.

God’s kingdom is not a place we go to after we die, but a present reality that we can participate in and advance.

The gospel is not just about individual salvation, but about the restoration of all creation.

God’s love is not earned, but freely given to all who place their faith in Jesus.

The gospel is not about changing ourselves, but about allowing God to change us.

God’s love for us is not based on our performance or good deeds, but on His unchanging character.

The gospel is not just a message for the broken and lost, but for the proud and self-righteous as well.

God’s grace is not just a one-time event, but an ongoing reality that sustains and transforms us.

The gospel is not a call to conformity, but a call to be transformed into the image of Christ.

God’s love for us is not based on our ability to love Him back, but on His unchanging and unconditional love.

The gospel is not a set of rules or principles, but a message of hope and redemption.

God’s forgiveness is not based on our repentance, but on His mercy and grace.

The gospel is not just about escaping hell, but about experiencing abundant life in Christ.

God’s love is not based on our worthiness, but on His infinite love and grace.

The gospel is not just a message of personal salvation, but a call to love and serve others.

God’s love for us is not based on our performance or good deeds, but on His unchanging and unconditional love.

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